Thursday, February 12, 2009

You Gain Some, You Lose Some.

I tried =)...
idk its funny to me because friendship is really big to me. I'm not the type of girl to just let any body in, and thats why i have many acquaintances and few friends. And the fact that people can throw away friendships like trash or even try to redeem them later like recycling blows me. If i give you my friendship.. cherish it because i really can be one of the best friends you'll probably ever have. Once your my "friend" congratulations that means that i have let you in. Let you in to the side of me that most people will never EVER get the chance to see. I will go to extreme limits depending on how good of friends we are. And if i feel as though i can call you my best friend.. even better because that means i can trust you whole heartedly.. and no matter what happens i will always be there for you. But if i let you in and you betray what we had (Especially Over Something Retarded).. don't bother even looking in my direction. Don't think that we could EVER be friends again because what you just explained me is that our friendship meant nothing to you and obviously you could give 2 shits. I'm not the type that recycles or throws away friendships unless you truly disrespected me, or i was truly hurt. Damn it's the beginning of 2009 and i already lost 2 friendships.. that at least i though were good. But thank you for cutting it short before the years went by. I'm not sorry. I don't apologize, unless it was truly for something i did.. and once your cut from my life. I Don't Care.
As for the rest that are still sticking it in there with me. Thank you =) 
and i  appreciate you supporting me at my good moments and my bad.

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